The link between childhood trauma and mental illness: What parents and pediatricians should knowWhen I saw this in a respected journal of pediatric medicine, I was surprised, not because of what it says, but because of what it does...
Treating depression and anxiety with EMDR: a new articleHere's a new article with a simple explanation of how EMDR therapy can treat depression and anxiety. EMDR is of course closely associated...
Trauma and PTSD: a scar across mind and bodyNew research has found that traumatic events leave a scar across not only the mind, but the body (the link to the article is below). This...
New research: Childhood trauma is linked to ADHDThis article illustrates the essential point that trauma in childhood causes real, permanent, physical changes in the way the brain...
EMDR is an effective, fast, intensive therapy: New research on PTSDNew research cited in the June 2017 edition of the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) newsletter shows that regular, intensive...
Trauma and the imaginationTrauma's most devastating effect is the blunting of the imagination. Abuse victims are so often unable to imagine love without pain,...
A child's imaginationBrain research cited by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk in his book The Body Keeps the Score shows how early childhood abuse physically damages...