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Understanding intrusive thoughts
For many of the clients I treat, intrusive thoughts are part of their problem. This is especially true in cases of PTSD or...

TV News Video: EMDR Cures PTSD
Here is a great news story illustrating how EMDR can achieve the seemingly impossible--curing PTSD. (Embedded video has been...

Trauma therapy with EMDR is safe and effective (Reason #3): It really works!
EMDR works, and most often in my experience produces a total cure, which is to say, a total absence of all PTSD symptoms, including...

I visited a horse therapy farm!
I think that about the most thrilling thing in the world is to ride a horse at full gallop. I'm no cowboy (my dress in the picture is...

Landmark publication "strongly recommends" EMDR trauma therapy
The International Institute for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) released a new policy statement for 2019, giving EMDR its strongest...

A "well-resourced" childhood (or not)
What is a well-resourced childhood? It's not only a childhood free from adverse childhood events (ACEs) like drugs in the home, sex...

How does EMDR heal multiple traumas so quickly?
The short answer is momentum. EMDR trauma therapy builds momentum with each memory healed, so that when the "log is kicked," the unstuck...

Childhood trauma, suicide, and FREEDOM!
I recently read something very encouraging by a professor who was the world's top expert in suicide. He wondered, as I often have, why...

EMDR Cartoon #1: The Two Vultures!
This simple cartoon illustrates the difficulties posed by "complex trauma," when EMDR trauma therapy is used as a treatment. Complex...

The shadow of shame
Most of my clients struggle with an increased sense of shame that shadows the primary reason they are seeking treatment. Perhaps the...
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