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A client's poem on PTSD
Here is a poem a new client of mine wrote about PTSD, shared with permission. She is just beginning her journey of healing with EMDR. If...

Trauma and addiction
NOTE: The article I refer to in this post can be accessed with the link below the post. Let's just say it: I have rarely ever had a...

After losing a loved one, the holidays can be hard
Anniversaries and especially the holidays can be a difficult time for family grieving the loss of a loved one. There are types of grief...

After an abortion (Not a political post!!!)
There are many reasons for difficult emotions following an induced abortion. And they don't fit into neat, fake categories that people...

CDC: Childhood trauma linked to physical illness and addiction
It was already known from the classic ACE study (Adverse Childhood Experiences) that those with childhood trauma are at a vastly...

Massive scientific study proves EMDR is effective for trauma/abuse/PTSD, depression, anxiety, and mo
Fairly recently, a huge "study of studies" (26 of them to be exact), presented undeniable evidence that EMDR is an effective treatment...

Why do men rarely seek treatment for traumatic experiences?
The usual generalized responses about "male culture" are critical and insulting, portraying men as shame-filled fakes, who are fearful of...

EMDR, Bodywork, Mindfulness, and the healing of trauma
After the 9/11 terror attacks, the NYC government prepared a plan to provide for thousands of therapy-seekers. They assembled a dream...

When a child is lost to miscarriage
Miscarriages are devastating to families. In fact, most couples rate multiple miscarriages as more difficult than the death of a parent....

"Why do I keep choosing abusive men?"
I hear this a lot. Women who ask me this often add that they have sabotaged loving relationships with good-hearted men because it didn't...
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