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"Why am I stuck? Will things ever change?" Here's a possible answer.
The short answer is that people are often at their best when things are at their worst, at the bottom of the hole. It's when things...

Increasing use of Psychadelic Drugs in Therapy. Healthy? Useful? I'm not so sure.
I would like to share some controversial information on the increasing acceptance of psychadelic drugs in the treatment of mental...

Fake happiness vs. Mental health
I always have some words of hope for my clients when I feel they are most in need. What I say might surprise you. I say, "My goal for you...

After losing a loved one, the holidays can be hard
Anniversaries and especially the holidays can be a difficult time for family grieving the loss of a loved one. There are types of grief...

After an abortion (Not a political post!!!)
There are many reasons for difficult emotions following an induced abortion. And they don't fit into neat, fake categories that people...

When a child is lost to miscarriage
Miscarriages are devastating to families. In fact, most couples rate multiple miscarriages as more difficult than the death of a parent....

The shadow of shame
Most of my clients struggle with an increased sense of shame that shadows the primary reason they are seeking treatment. Perhaps the...
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