How does EMDR heal multiple traumas so quickly?The short answer is momentum. EMDR trauma therapy builds momentum with each memory healed, so that when the "log is kicked," the unstuck...
Childhood trauma, suicide, and FREEDOM!I recently read something very encouraging by a professor who was the world's top expert in suicide. He wondered, as I often have, why...
EMDR Cartoon #1: The Two Vultures!This simple cartoon illustrates the difficulties posed by "complex trauma," when EMDR trauma therapy is used as a treatment. Complex...
The shadow of shameMost of my clients struggle with an increased sense of shame that shadows the primary reason they are seeking treatment. Perhaps the...
Trauma therapy with EMDR is safe and effective (Reason #1): PreparationPreparation! EMDR is faster, more effective, and much more tolerable than other trauma therapies, in part because of preparation....
Terror attack victim: EMDR helped me, and could help you, tooThis article (see below) is a great introduction to EMDR, and a testament to the fact that it works. It also shows how EMDR is different...
A profound thought from a 14-year-old with complex PTSDI have a 14-year-old boy in therapy who has had six serious traumatic experiences in his life, including sexual abuse and seeing a friend...
The link between childhood trauma and mental illness: What parents and pediatricians should knowWhen I saw this in a respected journal of pediatric medicine, I was surprised, not because of what it says, but because of what it does...
Treating depression and anxiety with EMDR: a new articleHere's a new article with a simple explanation of how EMDR therapy can treat depression and anxiety. EMDR is of course closely associated...
Trauma and PTSD: a scar across mind and bodyNew research has found that traumatic events leave a scar across not only the mind, but the body (the link to the article is below). This...