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Anxiety? PTSD? Eat a high-protein breakfast.
When you eat a sugary or carbohydrate-based breakfast, your blood sugar goes sky-high and then crashes in an hour. The body perceives...

EMDR in the News: Why More Celebrities Are Turning to EMDR Therapy for Their Mental Health
This article (click below, but read the underlined stuff below first before you do) is helpful in understanding how EMDR changes lives...

A former client of mine describes her EMDR trauma therapy experience
Doing as much trauma therapy as I do with EMDR, I have gotten pretty used to explaining what it is, how it works, and what a session...

Families and trauma
Trauma doesn't occur in a vacuum, and neither do the symptoms related to past trauma and abuse. Families are affected in a number of...

Are your mental health symptoms the result of trauma?
50% of individuals who seek out any type of therapy, including marriage therapy, have a major trauma in their past. (statistic from "The...

Over 82 published research studies: EMDR WORKS!!!
In fact, EMDR works on a lot of things, not just trauma. Read below to see for yourself. (These images © 2021, EMDR Institute.)

EMDR--the MYSTERY of the "Flash Technique"
Are you concerned that facing your traumatic memories may be too overwhelming? The Flash Technique is a new method of making EMDR trauma...

What does an EMDR session look like?
One important question I get from clients is, "What does EMDR really look like in a therapy session?" Clients often know already that:...

Foster care and massive childhood trauma
We currently have about 400,000 children in our foster care system, and all are at extremely high risk. As the average stay in foster...

What is EMDR? (a short brochure I give out)
This (see below images) is a six-page brochure I give to clients. I would call this a good description of what a "Basic Trained" EMDR...
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