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Don't treat yourself like a neglectful caregiver
Most of my clients do not have PTSD overtly. They should, due to childhood trauma, but having PTSD symptoms would have been inconvenient...

Common misdiagnoses for childhood trauma
Most people, including most doctors and therapists, assume that "trauma" means "PTSD." This is wrong . Simple PTSD is in my experience...

Life Balance (Part 2): Work is not there to make you happy. It gives life meaning, and that's better
80% of Americans hate their jobs. I forget where I heard that statistic, but can anyone doubt it? Work can feel like the embodiment of...

EMDR: How it may work (and how to make it work better)
The research is very clear, over 88 studies of it since the late 80's, that EMDR is highly effective in treating all sorts of mental...

Why are my previous blog pictures gone?
You have likely noticed that most of the past photos (before this post) on my blog entries have been removed. A law firm called Higbee &...

Trauma and life balance (Part 1): A critical part of therapy that can't be done in the office!
I attended a lecture last year, a great psychologist who spoke about the treatment of anxiety and depression. Trauma disorders of course...

Trauma is parts (Part 2): Split-brain studies
The "Part One" post on this topic explained that psychological trauma is more a brain injury than a mental illness. Networks of neurons...

What is EMDR? A complete answer.
Here is the most accurate and complete explanation of EMDR I have ever encountered. This brand new, 10 minute video produced by the EMDR...

Trauma is Parts (Part 1): EMDR treatment of complex trauma should include this consideration.
I would like to demystify and destigmatize the topic of trauma being defined as terrible events creating parts of the self that seem to...
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